Wagstars Dog Grooming Blog

Poodle Grooming Cheadle Heath Stockport

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So what are some of the more common Poodle hair styles that you are likely to come across.

The Puppy Clip

This clip as the name suggests is reserved for younger dogs. Usually by the time they reach 12 months of age, a different style is selected.

In this case, the feet, face, and base of the tail are shaved closely. The body hair is allowed to grow and can be shaped according to personal preference. The pack is the front part of the main coat and is usually pulled up into a ponytail-like topknot.

The Poodle puppy cut can be used for showing poodles under the age of 12 months.

Continental Clip 

This is one of the most popular clips used for showing. Here again you see a close shave of the face, back quarters down to the poms, front legs between poms and elbow, feet, and the base of the tail. When you come to the pack area, leave it very long and trim it with scissors to the required shape. Just like the puppy clip, leave the topknot long and shape it into a ponytail. You should also leave the tail long and shape it into a round ball. Start the poms on the legs just above the wrists and hock joints and stop just above the feet. They also have a round shape. In this clip mode, place the hip rosettes exactly over the hip joint.

 Modified Continental Clip

This style differs from the former simply with respect to hip rosettes. In the modified clip, you have a choice as to whether or not to include the hip rosettes.

Utility Clip

This is sometimes known as the Kennel clip. The feet, face, and base of the tail are shaved closely. This time, the hair on the body is kept short and is simply clipped into shape. You should leave the topknot and the tail longer than the body hair. This style is ideal for summer and does not require much effort to take care of. How long the body hair is depends on the type of blade that is used. Normally, a 7 blade is used in this clip.

Lamb Clip

The Lamb Clip requires that the feet, base of the tail, and the face are all shaved closely. You should leave the legs, the tail, and topknot fluffy. You can either choose to have the body fluffy or clip it so that it is shorter than the legs. In essence, the length of the hair depends on personal preference.

Bikini Clip

This style is sometimes known as the Summer or Miami clip. Just like the previous clips, the feet, face, and the base of the tail are all shaved closely. You should leave the body hair fluffy but not excessively long. Clip the body hair into shape. When you come to the legs, shape them into poms at the bottom beginning above the wrist and stopping above the feet. It is your choice how long you want the hair to be.

Town and Country Clip

In addition to the feet, face, and the base of the tail, the neck area and wide belly band should be shaved closely. Furthermore, narrow lines are shaved closely between the withers along the spine and into the belly band. These narrow lines are also shaved between the hips along the spine and into the belly band. Leave the rest of the hair fluffy and clip into shape.


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